Coronavirus and drones - the use of drones during epidemics

There is no doubt that China is the world's leading technology powerhouse and the market leader in drones. The Middle Kingdom is giving proof of this in the face of the events of recent months by committing its powerful resources to subdue the spreading COVID-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection.
The state, in agreement with giant companies in the electronics world, is resiliently fighting the spreading epidemic using drones. Unmanned aerial vehicles have been used successfully since early February, and the ways in which they can be used are increasing. The following are examples of how drones are being used to combat coronavirus. The use of industrial and consumer drones to subdue epidemics can inspire, because while the future should not be viewed pessimistically, the ideas described are also applicable on a daily basis.
From the accounts of such people, we learn that they are verified by state services whether they comply with this obligation - the police come to their place of residence, call and ask them to show up at the window.
Such activities involve significant human resources, and the risk of low effectiveness is quite high. This problem was dealt with by the Italians, who were the first to use a drone DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise to assist in this task. The drone has a greater ability to verify whether the figure standing in the window is a quarantined person.
Moreover, it offsets the difficulties associated with taller buildings and protects officers from direct contact with potentially ill.

We believe that the topic of transportation via drones, also due to current events, is strongly developing and the replacement of the courier by drone will become more and more widespread. Currently, the quarantined areas are very extensive, hundreds of people have limited access to basic hygiene measures or food. Drones are coming to the rescue, avoiding direct contact with potential sick people.
This procedure means that fewer people need to be directly involved in their transportation between hospitals and medical facilities , thus reducing exposure and improving the speed of delivery.

Source: Antwork Robotics
Target areas include factories, residential areas, hospitals and wastewater treatment plants. The total so far covers 600 million square meters nationwide. With this solution, spraying efficiency can be 50 times faster than traditional methods. This is good news in times of crisis, where time plays a key role.

Source: DJI
Used well, technology can be a friend of our daily lives, as many of you have found out more than once.
You can find more about the use of drones here:
Use of drones in police and uniformed services
Drones in rescue-which situations use the help of drones?
The state, in agreement with giant companies in the electronics world, is resiliently fighting the spreading epidemic using drones. Unmanned aerial vehicles have been used successfully since early February, and the ways in which they can be used are increasing. The following are examples of how drones are being used to combat coronavirus. The use of industrial and consumer drones to subdue epidemics can inspire, because while the future should not be viewed pessimistically, the ideas described are also applicable on a daily basis.
Verification of quarantine compliance
An example that is particularly close to our hearts because of the newly-introduced coronavirus eradication law by the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, which obliges people returning to the country from abroad as of March 15 to quarantine for 14 days.From the accounts of such people, we learn that they are verified by state services whether they comply with this obligation - the police come to their place of residence, call and ask them to show up at the window.
Such activities involve significant human resources, and the risk of low effectiveness is quite high. This problem was dealt with by the Italians, who were the first to use a drone DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise to assist in this task. The drone has a greater ability to verify whether the figure standing in the window is a quarantined person.
Moreover, it offsets the difficulties associated with taller buildings and protects officers from direct contact with potentially ill.
Patrols of public places
The risk of being easily infected by the Wuhan virus has prompted authorities in many countries to take action along the lines of our native #stayathome. In China, drones were already patrolling the streets at the end of January and making sure residents did not form gatherings.Officials issued a message through a loudspeaker built into the BSP ordering them to return home or put on a protective face mask.Drone with loudspeaker patrols streets in France and Spain - update 25.03.
Over the course of this week, we've already encountered news of the use of drones that reproduce sound several times. In Madrid, police are using drones with a loudspeaker to make announcements so people don't form gatherings and return home. Similarly, in France, police officers use such a solution, as can be seen in the video below. A drone that plays audio with safety reminder messages makes it easier to access pedestrian-only areas such as beaches and parks.Temperature measurement using thermal imaging
Along with the ability to patrol large areas also goes the ability to check the body temperature of a large number of people at the same time. A drone equipped with a thermal imaging camera, such as a Parrot Anafi Thermal or Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual Flir, can identify a potentially infected person before he or she has time to report his or her condition to health care workers themselves. In addition, the drone will prepare material documenting who had contact with such a person, which definitely reduces the risk of spreading the virus.
Delivery of supplies to the needy
On the web, you can find pictures with small items such as protective masks and thermometers hooked up to the Mavic Air. Foreign media also mention food transportation.Previously, we have mentioned drone food transportation at least here. In addition, the project of providing drone transportation services by Amazon or UPS has long been known.We believe that the topic of transportation via drones, also due to current events, is strongly developing and the replacement of the courier by drone will become more and more widespread. Currently, the quarantined areas are very extensive, hundreds of people have limited access to basic hygiene measures or food. Drones are coming to the rescue, avoiding direct contact with potential sick people.
Medical transportation
For several years now, drones have been used for medical supplies in China, delivering supplies to remote areas that are difficult to reach by land. The same technology is now being used to contain the coronavirus, with drones delivering medical shipments in infected areas. Shipments are primarily medical samples, including quarantined samples.This procedure means that fewer people need to be directly involved in their transportation between hospitals and medical facilities , thus reducing exposure and improving the speed of delivery.

Source: Antwork Robotics
Disinfection of the area with spraying from a drone
Drone spraying is very popular in agriculture, as we have written about here. In addition to insecticides and antiparasiticides, drones spray chlorine- or ethanol-based disinfectants on infected areas in China. A BSP of the series is used to drop in the agents themselves Agras, and for calculating areas requiring action - Phantom 4. We wrote about the use of drones to perform computing in the topic of their use by surveyors.Target areas include factories, residential areas, hospitals and wastewater treatment plants. The total so far covers 600 million square meters nationwide. With this solution, spraying efficiency can be 50 times faster than traditional methods. This is good news in times of crisis, where time plays a key role.

Source: DJI
In addition to the above examples, it is worth noting that drones make it easier for representatives of many professions to do their jobs every day. At the time of the need for special precautions, avoiding direct contact between people and less exposure, sending a drone to inspect the building, area, make documentation, etc. is now all the more justified. Drones are streamlining our lives and adding to our security.Used well, technology can be a friend of our daily lives, as many of you have found out more than once.
You can find more about the use of drones here:
Use of drones in police and uniformed services
Drones in rescue-which situations use the help of drones?
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March 2020