Drone as a way to make money? Only with UAVO training.

In addition to typical hobbyist use, drones have found a number of commercial applications. As a result, lawmakers needed to regulate the legal situation regarding the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for commercial purposes. But what does this mean for users of these machines?

Under current regulations, any person wishing to use a drone for commercial purposes should have special documents in postaci certificate of professional qualification of operator of unmanned aerial vehicles. The powers found in the said certificate include:

  • VLOS training - qualification on flying a drone within line of sight.
  • BVLOS training - confirmation of skills regarding flying an unmanned aerial vehicle out of sight.

But how to get this type of certification? It is essential to have UAVO training. This obligation was imposed on drone users by a decree dated September 19, 2016. In addition, the training should be conducted by a certified center, otherwise it may be considered invalid and the document will not be issued. Fortunately for drone fans, you only need to take such a course once, as the unmanned flying vehicle pilot qualification document is issued indefinitely.

This means that if you want to fly as a hobby, a license is not needed.

What a UAVO course looks like in practice?

Many people looking to tie their professional lives to the commercial use of drones are probably wondering what a UAVO course looks like. In a sense, it is similar to the driving course, here we also distinguish two main parts-theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, the examinee must prove that he or she has knowledge of aviation law and the construction and rules of operation of an unmanned flying vehicle. The practical part of the exam is relatively short, not likely to exceed 10 minutes. Its purpose is to test basic skills in controlling a drone- taking off, stable flight, emergency response.

So let's assume that we have gone through the training without any problems and obtained the desired authorization-where we can look for a job as an operator drone?

  1. Filming and photography- it has been popular for many years now to include bird's eye shots taken with drones in videos. They enrich the footage and make it more attractive. Due to the rapid development of technology, such shots are no longer reserved for the mavens of the film industry, they are now available even in semi-professional recordings of weddings and other family celebrations.

  2. Geodesy- drone operators are also sought after to assist in surveying. Previously, this was done using aerial photography, however, it was time-consuming and resource-intensive. In addition, such images are referred to as high altitude photogrammetry. This means that the photographs have limited accuracy. With the help of drones, it is possible to take high-resolution images from a low ceiling. This has given surveyors a new tool in their hands.

  3. Agriculture- unmanned flying machines have also proven to be a good support in agriculture. They serve there m.in. for monitoring the condition of crops, chasing away wild animals, spraying plants and possibly preparing insurance documentation.

  4. Security companies- we are increasingly seeing the use of drones by security companies, they help m.in. in monitoring properties, observing people suspected of illegal behavior or looking after the security of so-called VIPs.

  5. Building inspections- it is now common for building inspections to use drones to more thoroughly verify the condition of buildings being commissioned.

  6. Forest Service- the use of unmanned aerial vehicles by foresters is very popular, they are used there both to help catch poachers, as well as to monitor the state of wildlife or observe changes in the population status of the species in question.

UAVO training for many people can open the gateway to completely new professions, and having the right certification will give a whole new perspective on professional development. However, if you are a beginner or treat drone flying only as a way of entertainment and recreation, it is completely unnecessary for you and would only be an unnecessary expenditure of time and money. Remember, however, that even amateur flying requires proper preparation and safety precautions.