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How to study air pollution from a drone?

How to study air pollution from a drone?

Why study air pollution?

Regular measurement of air pollution is intended not only to protect the environment, but also human health. The institution that has been delegated to do this is the Provincial Environmental Inspectorate. Monitoring is carried out especially in places where there are large concentrations of people or developed industry.

What effects can the accumulation of dust in the air have on our health, resulting in the occurrence of smog?
As a result of smog in the air, there is a significant increase in the occurrence of chemical elements dangerous to humans, such as nitrogen oxides, benzopyrenes, sulfur dioxides.
In particular, they hinder the smooth functioning of the respiratory system and can aggravate the symptoms of a cold, migraine or intensify the general weakness of the body.

We should all feel responsible for air pollution-according to the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, 88% of air pollution comes from home heating, while industry is only 2% and vehicles 6% (Assessment of air quality in zones in Poland in 2013, GIOŚ).

How to measure pollution levels?

When studying air pollution levels, scientists focus on a number of factors, however, among the most important of these we can include the presence of particulate matter: PM10 and PM2.5. They use, of course, professional measuring stations and specialized filters that catch pollutants from the air. However, in order to negate the incidence of smog, adequate pollution measurement systems must also be available to public services such as the fire department and police. This is due to the fact that home furnaces, in which "enterprising" homeowners choose to burn accumulated garbage and waste, are increasingly becoming a source of pollution.

ATMON FL URBAN-mobile air pollution measurement system

The answer to the needs of services and individual users may be the mobile air pollution measurement system Atmon FL URBAN. It is a device suitable for transportation by unmanned aerial vehicles. Its undoubted advantage is that it can be carried by almost any model of drone, so users are not forced to use a UAV from a specific manufacturer.
How Atmon FL works? The system can be placed both on top of the drone and be suspended underneath it by using special cables. The manufacturer has decided to use a number of covers that protect the entire complex mechanism from physical damage, as well as pollution and adverse weather conditions. This system tests for the presence of substances in the air such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, PM10 and PM2.5 dust.

Thanks to several possible modes of operation, we don't have to constantly spend time manually controlling the drone that carries the device, as we can use the BVLOS function-that is, the ability to work autonomously, according to a pre-programmed scheme.

In addition to its light weight and mobility, Atmon FL is also distinguished by the fact that, thanks to its autonomous power supply, it can be used as a home pollution measurement station - just put it out in front of the house in a well exposed place. To track the ongoing changes in the chemical composition of the air we breathe, the device is additionally integrated with a special application that allows us to compare the results of measurements from different days and hours. All data is stored in the cloud.

There are many methods for measuring air pollution levels-we can both follow the announcements of the Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, as well as regularly check the reports available on the Internet. In addition, public services as well as individual and business users now have access to tools that allow them to take measurements on their own. Why Atmon FL can be helpful? Well, it will certainly help identify and punish those who violate legal standards and contribute to the amount of harmful substances emitted into the air. The premiere of the ATMON FL system is scheduled for the third quarter of 2018, i.e. the turn of autumn and spring, a time of increased emissions.

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