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Fine for flying a drone - how much are the fines?

Fine for flying a drone - how much are the fines?

Flying a drone is an activity that comes with many requirements. They concern both having the appropriate license and flying in certain conditions and locations. Failure to comply risks serious penalties - from fines even to confiscation of equipment. What to remember to fly legally?

When you can get a fine for flying a drone?

One of the most important issues regarding drone flights is the the requirement to have an appropriate license. The pilot must have the appropriate certificate, in accordance with the parameters of the device and the rules of performing a specific flight. Some devices are exempted from this requirement - however, this only applies to drones under 250g that are not equipped with a camera, that is, primarily equipment that falls into the category of toys. If the flight is made with a drone with a camera (regardless of weight) or with a weight of more than 250 g, registration in the KSID system is required. Detailed information on ratings and flight categories, as well as training materials, can be found at

However, the license itself is not everything. In addition, it is also important to compliance with flight safety rules, which include choosing the right place to fly. The entire route must take place outside of areas off-limits to drones (such as the vicinity of airports), and at a certain distance from third parties and buildings. Ignoring the rules involves not only the risk of various dangerous situations, but also the possibility of receiving a fine. Importantly, a fine for improperly flying a drone can be issued by both police and municipal police, as well as border guards. Another potential reason to receive a fine when flying a drone is violating the privacy of others, such as when flying over private property - in certain situations such actions may be treated as an offence.

How much is the fine for flying a drone in a national park?

Ile wynosi kara za latanie dronem w parku narodowym

A fine for flying a drone can also be issued if the flight takes place in a national park. The following apply here aviation legislation, specifically, the points relating to the protection of the areas of national parks and nature reserves. However, it is worth noting that it is punishable to fly only below the indicated heights of relative, determined by air traffic services. What the penalty for flying a drone in a national park looks like? The consequences can be quite serious - a fine can be as high as PLN 10,000. For this reason, while in the vicinity of national parks, it is advisable to carefully review local regulations and recommendations of the air service before flying. Significantly, some national parks in Poland are located in border areas (e.g., Bieszczady National Park, Bialowieza National Park), which also means the need to comply with regulations related to border protection.

In addition, attention should be paid to species protection regulations. The noise generated by the drone's engines, like the mere presence of such an object in the air, can frighten birds. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid flying over areas that may provide habitat for protected bird species, especially during the breeding season, i.e., the months of March through October. Violations of species protection regulations carry financial penalties, which are considered separately for specific applications, as well as with the possibility of receiving a jail sentence.

Penalty for flying a drone without a license - up to a £15,000 fine

Flying a drone without a license or in unauthorized areas means violation of airspace, which carries severe financial penalties. The amount of the fine depends on the details of the specific situation - the fines range from PLN 350 to even PLN 15,000, and in extreme cases, the service may even impose imprisonment or restriction of freedom. Importantly, just having a license is not enough: in addition, the drone must be marked in a conspicuous place with a sticker with the operator's identifier. Instead, before flying, it's a good idea to use special apps and portals, such as PANSA's DroneMap, to find out if takeoff at a particular location is allowed.

Penalties for flying a drone: from fines to confiscation of equipment to imprisonment

latanie dronem mandat

Fines for flying a drone can vary widely and depend largely on the specific case. The most severe consequences involve situations where bystanders have been harmed as a result of unlawful drone flight. If, for example, there is a collision between a drone and a passerby, resulting in injuries, the operator could be punished by restriction or imprisonment. Such situations are classified as air traffic disasters, with serious consequences for the perpetrator.

Between fines and jail terms, there is also confiscation of the drone. This is especially used when there has been a the privacy of third parties has been violated - For example, during an unauthorized flight over private property, during which the image of another person was recorded.

How to fly a drone in compliance with regulations and avoid penalties?

As you can see, penalties for flying without authority or in violation of regulations can be very severe. For this reason, it is worth ensuring that the use of a drone is carried out under rules adapted to Polish regulations describing movement in the airspace. The basic issue is acquiring adequate knowledge - the best source is the drones, where you can find current information on regulations, requirements and possible changes.

In addition, it is worth remembering that registration and the appropriate license are required for most flights. As of 2024, the National Drone Information System (KSID), which brings together key information for operators in one place, is responsible for serving the area. Before flying, on the other hand, it is worth use apps that display information about the restrictions that apply in a given area. The most popular solution of this type is DroneMap. In addition, it is important to adhere to the rules of air traffic safety - Above all, fly at an appropriate distance from third parties and buildings to reduce the risk of collisions and other dangerous situations.

Bartholomew Rasztar
Editor specializing in e-commerce for 3 years. Master of Science in Management - Marketing and Social Media. Passionate about sports, extreme experiences and challenges, which he shares on his Instagram. Inspired by the use of technology to show the world in fascinating and interesting ways.
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