Changes in Polish law-new regulations for UAVO training
![Changes in Polish law-new regulations for UAVO training](/data/include/img/news/1547737763.jpg)
Changes in the rules for obtaining UAVO qualification certificates
- Removal of the obligation to have an aeromedical examination for prospective VLOS operators up to 5 kg-this saves 200 PLN-other ratings will require examination as before.
- Abolition of the state exam for UAVO in the VLOS range up to 5 kg-we save PLN 55 for the theoretical exam and PLN 108 for the practical exam, respectively. The issue of renewal and extension of VLOS ratings up to 5 kg remains unchanged-these activities will continue to be the sole responsibility of state examiners.
- Possibility for minors between 13 and 13 to enter training and obtain VLOS ratings up to 5 kg. a 18. r.ż.
- Increase the number of required practical hours for BVLOS and MR25 kg training.
- If we are in the course at the time of entry of the changes, retraining will be required.
The exact guidelines for conducting training and internal examinations will be published as recommendations Civil Aviation Authority
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